3 important questions to ask yourself


I'm a big believer that asking yourself questions is one of the keys to personal transformation. Getting to yourself on a deep level starts by being really honest with yourself and taking time to introspect. Here are 3 important questions to ask yourself. Feel free to ponder them, journal about them, or discuss them in a safe space. Prepare for some "aha" moments.

3 important questions to ask yourself: 

  1. “At the core of my being, what do I really want?”

  2. “If I was living without fear of failure, what would I be doing?”

  3. “What do I care about? Does my life reflect my priorities?”

Take your time and see what comes up. Curiosity is key. Make space for your feelings and desires to be heard and recognized. I’m excited to see how these questions create clarity and understanding for you.


I’m Dr. Alisa Ruby Bash. It’s wonderful to meet you! I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Malibu, California, and I have my doctorate in clinical psychology.

I work with clients through traditional therapy and use a mind, body, and spirit approach, including Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Positive psychology, Kundalini Yoga, Sound Healing, and Mindfulness Meditation. Click here to learn more about how to work together.

Alisa Ruby Bash