5 Ways to Practice Self-Love


The relationship we have with ourselves is the foundation for every other relationship we will have. It's so important to give ourselves lots of love and kindness. Here are a few ways to practice self-love 💙

  1. Be compassionate with yourself: You wouldn’t get angry at a baby who falls while learning how to walk, so why get angry at yourself for not being perfect?

  2. Honor your limits & know when to take breaks: Just like a car will run out of gas and a phone will run out of battery, we too must fill up our tanks and honor our limits. If you’ve been sitting down working all day, take a break to stretch, drink water, eat a snack, or call a friend. Loving yourself means paying attention to what your needs are and honoring them.

  3. Surround yourself with people who lift you up: The people we surround ourselves with plays a huge part in how we see ourselves. Spending time with people who encourage us and leave us feeling better after seeing them is an act of self-love. It shows you care about yourself when you are with people who are good for your mental health.

  4. Be kind to your inner child and be your own mother: No matter how old you are, we all have an inner child within us that needs love and attention. Shower yourself with lots of love and prioritize yourself.

  5. Give yourself what you need without judgement or guilt: Part of self-love is treating yourself like someone you really love — so treat yourself to an ice cream sundae or a green juice or whatever your body is telling you it needs. If your body needs rest, give it rest. If your social health is suffering, call or visit a friend. Honor those needs of yours without any judgement or guilt.

Here’s to loving ourselves, more and more each day ✨


I’m Dr. Alisa Ruby Bash. It’s wonderful to meet you! I’m a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Malibu, California, and I have my doctorate in clinical psychology.

I work with clients through traditional therapy and use a mind, body, and spirit approach, including Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Positive psychology, Kundalini Yoga, Sound Healing, and Mindfulness Meditation. Click here to learn more about how to work together.

Alisa Ruby Bash